Alain DeWarnaff, LPsych
Alain DeWarnaff, LPsych
Alain has been a licensed psychologist since 2007. He worked for 6 years at the Chaleur Regional Hospital, 18 years at the Bathurst Community Health Centre, and 6 years in private practice. Alain has joined the dynamic team at the Mind at Peace Centre to offer only Reconsolidation therapy, of which the following is a brief description: based on the latest discoveries in neuroscience, the innovative therapy of reconsolidation has been the subject of numerous large-scale clinical tests. This method combines a pharmacological agent with light psychotherapy. It aims to reduce post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in people exposed to intense emotional shock (accidents, aggression, attacks, natural disasters). Focusing on repairing post-traumatic disorders rather than masking their symptoms, it marks a therapeutic revolution in psychiatry. Reconsolidation therapy is also proving effective for "adjustment disorders" and "complicated or pathological bereavement".